Sunday, January 17, 2021

Zhunti mantra, the most effective and suitable for public practice, ( 最灵验而又适合大众修持的神咒之王——准提神咒)

Almost all practitioners of zhunti Dharma are amazed at the effectiveness of zhunti mantra. Anyone who thinks Buddhism is superstitious may as well practice zhunti Dharma. If he can stick to it devoutly, within two months, he will completely change his idea and even eager to convert to Buddhism. Because the magic of this spell will completely conquer him! This article is excerpted from dizang (about master Haitao). The text is edited by the editor. I hope all my friends who are predestined with me can benefit from it.

Zhunti Bodhisattva is known as the great Bodhisattva of Xianmi Buddhists. In Zen Buddhism, it is called Guanyin, the husband of heaven and man. It is a great Bodhisattva with strong sense and great concern for worshippers. It is also the mother of all Buddhas of the three generations. It has boundless wisdom, great merit and deep sense, and satisfies the wishes of all living beings, Guard all living beings with meticulous care. It is recorded in the Sutra of zhunti Dharma that the Buddha went to the samadhi of zhunti to recite the zhunti mantra of the past seven kutham Buddhas for the sake of remembering the future beings of Bo Fu and evil karma.

Zhunti mantra, known as the king of mantra, has an incredible power of blessing. He is very quick and powerful. The reciter can pray for wisdom, debate victory, mutual respect and love between husband and wife, make him live a life of respect and love, improve interpersonal relationship, obtain offspring, prolong life span, cure diseases, eliminate crimes, pray for rain, get out of detention, and stay away from evil spirits and thieves All kinds of wishes are satisfied. (Zhun Ti FA men is more effective in treating evil arts and fulfilling wishes. In terms of worldly interests, those who practice this dharma can be born in the pure land of this Mother Buddha, and eventually achieve the Buddhist realm.) First, a few examples are given for reference

If zhunti orders the two saints to follow him after 49 days of recitation, all the good and disgusting thoughts (from others) will be reported one by one.

If there are people who are not blessed and who are not successful in seeking official positions, or who are forced by poverty to recite this mantra frequently, they will be able to get the blessing of the wheel Saint King in this life, and they will be satisfied with what they want.

If you seek wisdom, you will get great wisdom; if you seek men and women, you will make men and women. All those who ask for something are said to follow their mind, just like the Gemini pearl with color. All colors change with their mind.

If you recite this mantra again, you can make the king, the ministers and the four people feel love and respect, and everyone who sees it will feel happy.

If you seek immortality and all kinds of elixirs, but recite the mantra according to the law, you can see Guanyin Bodhisattva or Vajrayana Bodhisattva giving the elixir to the gods. If you eat it, you can become a immortal, have a life equal to the sun and the moon, and prove the Bodhisattva's position.

If you recite it one million times according to law, you will be able to live in the pure land of ten places, experience all Buddhas, hear the wonderful Dharma, and prove Bodhi.

Those who recite this mantra can't drown in water, burn in fire, blame their families with poison, strong thieves in the army, and ghosts of evil dragons and beasts.

If you want to ask the Brahma king, the emperor, the four heavenly kings, the son of Yama, etc., as long as you recite this mantra, it will come with their wishes, and you will get all the drives you want.

This mantra has great power in southern zhanbuzhou. It can move mount Xuer and use the sea as much as possible. It can bless dry and dead trees and produce flowers and fruits. What's more, it can recite in accordance with the law without turning the body. It can get enough spirit and lead the life to heaven.

The Mantra:

  nā mó sà duō nán,sān miǎo sān pú tuó,
  jù zhī nán, dá zhí tuō,
  ǎn, zhé lì zhǔ lì, zhǔn tí suō pó hē.















稽首皈依苏悉帝 头面顶礼七俱胝
  我今称赞大准提 唯愿慈悲垂加护



Cundī Dhāraṇī (1), (準提神咒, 准提陀羅尼)

The Cundi Dharani (quasi-refreshing)mantra is said by Buddha Shakyamuni, and it comes from the "quasi-tidrani sutra". Buddha's words: This curse can destroy all sins and obstacles of ten evils and five rebellions, and accomplish all white magic merits. Those who hold this mantra do not ask to be a monk at home, drink or eat meat, have a wife, and do not choose clean and unclean, but recite it with the most heart, which can increase the life of short-lived beings. Camara's illness still has to be eliminated, let alone the remaining illnesses! If it is not eliminated, there is nothing good. If the recitation lasts forty-nine days, Zhunti Bodhisattva orders the two saints to follow him, and all the good and evil thoughts will be notified one by one in the ear. If there is no blessing, no form, unsuccessful search for officials, or poor people, often chanting this mantra can make the world gain the blessing of the wheel king, and the desired official position will be fulfilled. (The ancient people quoted in the Zen "Chuan Deng Lu": When you recite the three-line mantra, you get the name beyond all people). If you ask for wisdom to get great wisdom, those who ask for men and women will get men and women. Anything you want will be fulfilled, like a wishful bead, whatever you want. (If you only recite "Om. Zhanzhuzhushu. Zhunti Suo Po He." The mantra heart is also available, and Zhunti Bodhisattva can also respond; if the time and place are inconvenient, or lying or sitting or standing or walking, you can recite sincerely It can be recited silently.)
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Sutra Content:

 nā mó sà duō nán
 sān miǎo sān pú tuó
 jù zhī nán
 dá zhí tuō
ǎn, zhé lì zhǔ lì
zhǔn tí suō pó hē

The Original Sutra in Sanskirt:
Namah saptānām samyak-sambuddha koţīnām. Tadyathā, om, cale cule Cunde svāhā.




稽首皈依苏悉帝 [1]   头面顶礼七俱胝
我今称赞大准提 唯愿慈悲垂加护(上为加持)
南无飒哆喃。 nā mó sà duō nán
三藐三菩陀。 sān miǎo sān pú tuó
俱胝喃。 jù zhī nán
怛侄他。 dá zhí tuō
唵。折戾主戾。ǎn, zhé lì zhǔ lì
准提。娑婆诃。zhǔn tí suō pó hē


Namah saptānām samyak-sambuddha koţīnām. Tadyathā, om, cale cule Cunde svāhā.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Yuanjui Jing (2)

Yuanjue Jing, as its name suggests, is "complete enlightenment". It is said that it was said by the Buddha shortly after his Enlightenment under the bodhi tree. It belongs to the Mahayana sutra of Buddhist epiphany. It means that the sincerity of all living beings is like the shining gold, which is originally buried, but because of the habit of ignorance and foolishness influenced by the unclean heart, and the common maladies and troubles, it presents itself as "ordinary ore". How to go out of the ordinary and return to the golden way, we need to realize our sincerity from this sutra. It is the birthplace of all pure and enlightened wisdom and even Buddhism, and it is an endless gold mine - only here, shining with the supreme light of human nature.

The illustrated Yuanjue Sutra not only retains the characteristics of the original Sutra, which is instructive and easy to practice gradually, but also strengthens the realization of sincerity. At the same time, it helps readers to understand all difficulties from the "heart", completely extricate themselves from worries, and easily complete the journey of reading the Sutra with the mellow and wonderful scriptures, the original translation as far as possible, and the detailed illustration of the main meaning of the Sutra

Yuanjue Sutra

Yuanjue Sutra is a way for Buddha to preach the wonderful theory and practice of the Tathagata's Yuanjue for Manjusri Bodhisattva, Puxian Bodhisattva and other twelve Bodhisattvas. The twenty-five rounds of samadhi of Yuanjue are based on the essence of "Wujing Yuanjue" and run through all the dharmas with three major practice methods: sumatai, samoboti and Zen Na. They develop the great samadhi of Bodhisattva and realize the supreme Buddhism with the view of "knowing the illusion is to leave, leaving the illusion is to feel", which is necessary for all Zen practitioners.

"Eulogy to the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue meditation" in the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue meditation: the twenty five kinds of dharmas of the Tathagata's realm of Yuanjue begins to talk about the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue samadhi, and then enters into the cultivation of the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue Samadhi. With the observation of the four aspects of self, human, all living beings and life expectancy, practitioners can stay away from Zen diseases and achieve the realm of Yuanjue. In order to help readers understand Yuanjue Jing more clearly, a brief commentary on Yuanjue Jing, written by Guifeng zongmi of Tang Dynasty, is attached to Yuanjue 25 rounds of Zen: 25 kinds of Zen methods of the state of Yuanjue of the Tathagata.

Vajara Samadhi

In addition, the Mahayana sutra solemnity theory says that the five present views are Gatha, such as those quoted in the theory of photography.

Vajra samadhi is the last Samadhi. Reading is the beginning, Vajra is the end, samadhi is the whole. The misfortune of husband comes from seven senses, which cannot be eliminated without Samadhi. Four confused corresponding, no clear place to live, there is no record, thinking day and night, from holding me, seven knowledge also. According to the sage, after Vajra's path, he kept his seed clean, and the two obstacles were broken, so far he was round.

Only the wise say: to live in the five elements of the unreal, to know the reality, to practice Vajrayana, to live in this determination, except for the Tathagata, all samadhi tools can live in, but all the realms have no income, beyond all the sound and hearing, to prove that the Bodhisattva's positive nature is born. The nirvana family says: the cultivation of Nirvana leads to Vajrayana Samadhi. For example, Vajra is incomparably solid. All the places it is designed are broken, but Vajra is not damaged. Impermanence without reality, breaking all the dharmas, although six times, there is no one. For example, Vajra is the best among the treasures. It's hard to defeat them. All samadhi belong to them. For example, Vajra, who sees nothing but life and death, is like sitting on the four thoroughfares and watching all living beings come and sit down. For example, Vajra, to break the troubles, never thought I could break the knot. For example, Vajra, in a single thought, changes into a Buddha without quantity, breaks the sand and puzzles the world. In order to destroy the seven senses, he studied the three learning methods and Vajra Samadhi. It is a great decision to know that Vajra samadhi is the source of poverty. If you get this samadhi, you will be able to get close to the Buddha, follow the direction of interest, and follow the Dharma. However, knowing that the empty door is easy to repair does not necessarily prove the truth.

There is no book on Vajra: it is like a picture of Vajra. It is broad in the beginning and narrow in the middle. It is Prajna. In narrow, that is pure heart. At the beginning and later, those who are rich are called the land of faith and practice, and the land of Tathagata. Prajna Sutra: in the practice of quoting and cultivating, Prajna was used to break through the meaning and make the emptiness. After entering the silent phase, he lived in six emotions and read the silent phase to know all the emptiness. His wisdom was just like that of King Kong. You can't say whether there is or not. You can't say whether there is or not. When you enter deep Zen, you break through the relationship between Zen and Zen with Prajna. After two or seven places, you can cultivate wisdom like King Kong. The last three years of junior high school are all engaged in destroying, learning all the dharmas and learning nothing. Except for sending, everything is learning nothing. I can't help thinking about it. It's learning to remove and send, in order to break. Cheng Shijia's words: Vajra samadhi is the only emptiness. Prajna's saying: Vajra samadhi is only reality. Take a reality, meet the law, meet the line, all destroy. Then the cultivation of Vajra samadhi has been completed.

In samadhi, Bodhi is not wisdom, worry is not confusion, but it is the same. The four truths are not proved by truths or wisdom, but by equality. The first meaning is that all the differences are empty, and one phase without phase is the fixed phase. The world of dust and sand is now peaceful, with one color and one fragrance. It is nothing more than the middle way. It will neither meet nor be far away from one Dharma. There are doubts here. Vajra samadhi destroys everything, and a line of samadhi accepts everything. Is it not the opposite? How can it be mutually beneficial? However, there is no doubt that there is no need to think about it. To say that there is no thought is to remove all dharmas. That is to say, there is no thought and all dharmas are not recited. However, if you can think without thinking, if you don't have a single thought, the waterfall will turn constantly, and if it doesn't follow each other, you will destroy and take shelter without any hindrance.

Here I wonder: the four thoughts are defined as impermanence, bitterness and emptiness, while the one phase is defined as happiness and purity. Is it not the opposite? How can they be mutually beneficial? However, there is no doubt that it is also true. There is a leakage of reality, which is impermanent. There is no emptiness, and there is no leakage of reality. There is no happiness, and there is no emptiness. One phase reality is very non impermanent, extraordinary, non impermanent. Liberation is very important to governance, Prajna reality is not impermanent, and everything in Dharma body is constant. For a time, the three virtues are opposite, but they don't complement each other. This is called Samadhi.

Again, the dragon tree has a saying: Hinayana's practice takes Ding as its near gate, while Mahayana's practice takes Jie Hui as its near gate. Gaiyan's revision can't be carried out. At first, they practiced Buddhism, and the disciples of Buddhism, such as seliver, joined the group. Long Shu has a saying: it's the combination of the two. It's the truth. Without the "six door professor's conclusion", his behavior is extremely important

Samadhi Sutra

Samadhi: Sutra: Bodhisattvas use emptiness and selflessness to capture their mind and interest, which is called emptiness Samadhi. It's interesting to take care of the mind with solitude, and it's named Wuxiang Samadhi. The name of samadhi is not willing. It is said that there is no empty door, Bodhisattva's wisdom has no wish, and Tathagata's wisdom is equal. Another phase is empty, which has no reality. It is no phase to turn into the Dharma phase, and it is no wish to enter the Dharma phase.

The Scripture says: according to these three schools, we can master all the great good methods, and we can't grow up without these three schools. They can learn such three ways of liberation, as well as all the dharmas such as Dharma, Dharma, Dharma, Dharma. The three samadhi always take care of all the wonderful and good dharmas. Long Shu also said: only Buddha's wisdom can reach all Dharma realms, and Bodhisattvas can achieve all kinds of Dharma realms through Samadhi. Samadhi is the real method, and the four thoughts are the convenience. From the thirty seventh grade to Nirvana City, the traveler enters Nirvana gate from Samadhi.

If there is no way for a man to endure, he must first be gentle and tolerant, but there is no harm. Six paramita, the master of Prajna, will lead to five degrees. Samadhi Prajna is also, and must lead to thirty-seven products. Thirty seven grades are also Prajna, and all the meditation methods must be used.

There are two views on Samadhi. One has the view of understanding, and the other has the view of reality. The real observer is thirty-seven. It's hard to see with reality, but it's easy to understand with order. If you want the mind of the world to be scattered, you should try your heart in accordance with the upper world meditation, the four Buddhist scriptures, the eight back sheds, the eight victory places, the nine times and the ten all places, and then enter the battle. In the view of Dejie, the heart is soft and easy to get the real view, which is used to get the real view into the three Nirvana gate.

There is an empty door, and there is no author or receiver.

There is no real method for the two, but they have their own appearance, and neither male nor female can get the same appearance.

None of the three works, neither knowing nor acting

Middle Path Concept and emptiness

Mahayana: the inner body is the toilet, the edge of the body becomes the car, and the ox leads the wheel. It is the body without firmness, impermanence, ignorance, such as the wall tiles and stones. Bodhisattvas know that the body is not my body, not other body, uncomfortable, it is the body's emptiness. It is the body's false existence. It is the body's karma. It is the body's disharmony to come and go to produce and destroy Yiyi In order to observe the reality, it is necessary to combine the two.

Mahayana: in the view of internal reception, there is no coming or going, but the delusion of birth belongs to the predestined karma, and is not in the third world. The view knows that all the reception are not compatible, and they are born or perished. They enter into the gate of no birth, and there is no appearance, and there is no appearance, and there is no appearance, so they are not born.

Mahayana mind Observer: the three phases of the mind are not real, not in the third world, not in the middle of the inside and outside, the false fate of co-existence, external and internal thinking, strong name is the heart. If you can't get it, you can't live without it. No living, no living. There is no combination of the three forms, no ego, no impermanence and no reality. Nature does not live and die, it is quiet, guest dust phase is not clean. The wise man thinks that life and death are not real and pure, and getting pure is not dust.

The observer of Mahayana Dharma: Dharma is not in the middle of internal and external world, not in the third world, and it is impossible to get the truth without the master. There is no harmony, no dispersion, such as emptiness, pure nature, no pollution, so there is no possession, the heart is empty, so the law is not a different origin, it is empty. Emptiness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness; nothingness leads to nothingness. This is the Bodhisattva's view of entering the forbearance gate without living method


Samadhi and 37 Bhodi points

Bodhi divides into samadhi: Bodhi is a religion, and it is always difficult. There are 37 things to do for the convenience of grading. It is called Si Nian Chu, Si Zheng Qin and Si Ruyi Zu. It is the first practice for liberation. It is said that the five roots and five forces divide the choices. It is said that the seven senses are divided to see the Tao and do things. It is said that the eight principles are divided into three parts. If Bodhi points can always get Bodhi, its foundation is in the four thoughts. If the four things are pushed to the extreme, then the Tathagata will do. There is no meaning in this book.

Dragon tree also said: the 37 Bodhi points to Nirvana City, its root is in the four thoughts. Nirvana also says: I say that Sanskrit practice is the Dharma of thirty-seven helping the Tao. Without thirty-seven grades, there can be no three fruits, no Bodhi, no Buddha nature. Set thirty-seven products into the nirvana, Changle I Jing.

Four minders: Generally speaking, the body is not pure, the suffering is bitter, the mind is changeable, and the Dharma is not self. Cover with leakage of life and death body, very happy I clean, and impermanent suffering I not clean also. There is no leakage Dharma body, that is, it is impermanent and bitter, no self is not pure, and it is always happy and I am pure. Hinayana is in the five aspects of uncleanness. He is born in the seed, and his nature is his own. He is detailed in the nine thoughts. Hinayana suffers from all kinds of leakages, no leakages and no pains. His heart doesn't care about it. Though it's impermanent, he doesn't worry about it. He doesn't care about it. He doesn't care about it. Hinayana's mind is in the past, but not in the present. When his mind goes away from illness, he doesn't feel happy. His life and death are illusory. He can't live in reality when he's constantly thinking. The Dharma knowledge in the small multiplication is the mental phase, not the mental phase. The heart is reversed, and the mind plans me upside down. Why don't you enlighten me in his body. Hinayana's four thoughts have a common fate, such as a thousand difficult products. Hinayana's four thoughts are all located in three realms, and its thirty-seven grades are all possessed in the beginning of Zen. In the beginning of Zen, there are three or four in the middle, except for joy and action, colorless except for joy and action, language and karma. There are seven senses in the top, eight right paths in the bottom, and so are the desire realms.

Samadhi (3)

There are two kinds of samadhi in volume 28 of Da Zhi Du Lun: (1) samadhi in Sheng Wen FA, i.e. empty samadhi, Wu Yuan samadhi and Wu Zuo samadhi; (2) samadhi in Mahayana FA, i.e. samadhi with perception, without perception and without perception. Secondly, in the triple samadhi, there are the empty samadhi, the formless samadhi, the formless samadhi, and the formless Samadhi. According to the above two theories, samadhi in the narrow sense refers to samadhi of emptiness and equality, while in the broad sense it refers to the four Chan and other fixed points.

In primitive Buddhism, such as ahan and other classics, samadhi is generally the samadhi of four Chan and eight Ding, emptiness, no phase, no wish and awareness. There are countless samadhi in Mahayana scriptures, such as the one in fahua Sutra, the six in the old version of Huayan Sutra, the fifteen in Dafang et al. Daji Sutra, the eleven in Chaori Ming samadhi Sutra, and the eight samadhi in DAPIN Prajna Sutra. There are also many samadhi classics with samadhi as the main content, such as the samadhi Sutra of banzhou, the samadhi Sutra of Huiyin, the samadhi Sutra of self oath, the samadhi Sutra of Foyin, the samadhi Sutra of chanting Buddha, the samadhi Sutra of Vajra, etc.

Samadhi (2)

It refers to the state of meditation. It is the state that the heart of the practitioner is fixed in one place but not scattered.

He was also called samadhi, samadhi and Samadhi. In free translation, it means to be determined, to be equal, to receive, to be adjusted, to be right, to be right, to be calm. Samadhi means that the mind is fixed in one place, so it is called "fixed"; the mind that keeps equal and keeps away from breathing and lifting is called "equal holding"; the mind that is being observed is called "right receiving"; the mind that is disordered is adjusted to make it upright, so it is called "straight setting"; the action of the mind that is in line with the law is called "right heart action"; the mind that stops worrying, condenses the mind, so it is said that the mind will stop worrying.

There are two kinds of mental functions: one is the innate ability of mental concentration, and the other is the increased concentration due to postnatal efforts. The former is the result of previous karma, while the latter comes from practice. When the mind reaches the state of samadhi, it corrects the wisdom, and then combines with the observed environment. It clearly knows and realizes the truth, and even directly feels the holy land. This is called samadhi FA De, or FA Ding. We can see that Samadhi is the necessary stage of enlightenment.

However, different schools hold different views on Samadhi. Jushe sect regards it as one of the ten laws of the earth, while Weizhi sect regards it as one of the five states. The two schools regard it as one of the places of the mind, and think that the mind is controlled by the mind, so it can live in the same place. However, the Ministry of scriptures thinks that the mind continues to change in the same place, and it is named Samadhi. Chengshilun claims that Samadhi is the same as the mind, that is, both of them are not allowed to exist in another place.

Samadhi (1)

Samadhi (s ā nm è I) comes from the transliteration of Sanskrit samadhi, which means to stop distractions and calm the mind. It is an important practice method of Buddhism and refers to the essentials and true meaning of things. There are different discussions and explanations of this word both inside and outside the teaching. It has two meanings: general and special: it can refer to the usual ability of concentrated thinking, or refers to the developed concentrated power obtained from practice. Thus, it becomes a mysterious power that can make the meditator enter a higher realm and completely change the state of life.

Samadhi is a general concept, which can be subdivided into three parts: sumatai, samoboti and Channa. Among them, sumota, samoboti and Channa have 25 kinds of conclusion, exchange cultivation. In the end, it is to get the result from "forbearance without living law" to "Nirvana".