Saturday, January 16, 2021

Yuanjue Sutra

Yuanjue Sutra is a way for Buddha to preach the wonderful theory and practice of the Tathagata's Yuanjue for Manjusri Bodhisattva, Puxian Bodhisattva and other twelve Bodhisattvas. The twenty-five rounds of samadhi of Yuanjue are based on the essence of "Wujing Yuanjue" and run through all the dharmas with three major practice methods: sumatai, samoboti and Zen Na. They develop the great samadhi of Bodhisattva and realize the supreme Buddhism with the view of "knowing the illusion is to leave, leaving the illusion is to feel", which is necessary for all Zen practitioners.

"Eulogy to the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue meditation" in the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue meditation: the twenty five kinds of dharmas of the Tathagata's realm of Yuanjue begins to talk about the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue samadhi, and then enters into the cultivation of the twenty five rounds of Yuanjue Samadhi. With the observation of the four aspects of self, human, all living beings and life expectancy, practitioners can stay away from Zen diseases and achieve the realm of Yuanjue. In order to help readers understand Yuanjue Jing more clearly, a brief commentary on Yuanjue Jing, written by Guifeng zongmi of Tang Dynasty, is attached to Yuanjue 25 rounds of Zen: 25 kinds of Zen methods of the state of Yuanjue of the Tathagata.

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